At Linda Cooper Weddings we eat our way around the very best restaurants throughout the world and work closely with the top caterers to bring our clients a truly high class selection of talented chefs and impeccable waiting staff.
In addition, we are constantly visiting gigs to check out the latest ‘cool’ musicians both in London and Europe and have a great portfolio from which to recommend the perfect fit based on guest numbers, venue, your musical taste and of course your budget.
Here are some tips for making your party perfect...
Keep it calm for the ceremony unless you are having a full choir. At the reception, musicians should be in place and playing just before guests arrive so that there is a lovely atmosphere to welcome them – a string quartet, harpist, jazz trio or pianist depending on the venue. The same musicians could also ‘play guests into dinner’ to create an atmosphere and as soon as guests are seated it is usually a good time to stop the music to allow guests to converse throughout the meal. Playing through a meal doesn’t usually work as there is so much going on with table service and guest conversation that the music just gets lost.
Dance music is a very personal choice and our advice is to always go and see a few bands playing at a gig before booking them. The test of a good band is to keep the dancefloor full at all times, to have sufficient musicians that they can play right through whilst various musicians take their break and to interact with guests. Very often a great DJ accompanied by a couple of strolling musicians will provide fabulous dance music at a much lower cost.
Many caterers can produce delicious food but only a select few are able to combine their culinary talents with the highest standard of guest service. No point in looking forward to a stunning menu when there are insufficient chefs in the kitchen or waiters to serve and the first table has finished their meal before the last table has even seen theirs!!
We know which caterers will best work with your food requirements at your chosen venue. Food tastings are a fun part of the wedding planning process and certainly the one aspect most enjoyed by the grooms!
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